Standard Boksit Isletmeleri A.S. aims to create an honest and fair, non-discriminatory, safe and healthy working environment where personal rights of our employees are used fully and completely. It also aims equality in opportunity and to ensure that respect is given to all stakeholders in contact with the belief that our human resources are the most important element of sustainable development.
It undertakes to perform its business activities in an honest and ethical manner on the basis of respect for human rights, and to act in accordance with laws and regulations wherever it operates. It expects our suppliers and employees to act and fully comply with the following principles with the same sensitivity.
-Respectful towards human rights.
-Offers career opportunities within the company in line with the competencies and performances of the employees.
-Integrates mechanisms that prevent discrimination in recruitment, pricing and employment contract processes due to age, gender, race, religion, language, ethnicity, belief, marital, social or economic status, disability, political opinion, participation and membership in trade union activities, pregnancy or military service status.
-Rewards success with fair and competitive wage policies, effective and objective performance evaluation systems and practices.
-Aims to continuously develop and improve human resources policies.
-Ensures the protection of its employees with the awareness that they have a right to work under human working conditions, in healthy and safe environment.
-Aims to establish relationships with our employees based on ethical and corporate governance principles.
-Develops practices to keep employees loyal and in high motivation.
-Provides training opportunities aimed to personal development of the employees in addition to occupational development, based on equality and without discrimination.
-Accepts that employees are always obliged to comply with the laws and ethical principles regarding human rights, to fulfill their duties within the framework of basic moral and humanitarian values and to act in accordance with the rules. Otherwise, it imposes disciplinary action and sanctions leading to termination of employment.
-Expects from its employees to notify their senior or as occasion requires, to Audit Committee in cases that they find out or suspect violation of Code of Conduct.
-Bans disclosure of the notification made by a person in a way that peace or relations of that person in the workplace will be affected in a negative way to 3rd parties.
-Doesn't allow any retaliation or harm to an employee who refuses to act contrary to ethical rules and makes a report in good faith.
-Expect from its suppliers not to discriminate in any way according to race, religion, gender, nationality, age, social status, physical structure, recruitment, remuneration, educational opportunity, promotion and retirement practices, political opinion or marital status, to provide equal opportunities to their employees, to act in accordance with local, national and international laws, regulations and legislations regarding discrimination and harassment.
-Expects from its suppliers to employ workers according to age limit specified in the legal legislation, act according to regulations regarding prevention of forced labor and abuse, working hours, overtime and wages, social benefits and legal holiday rights, providing a healthy and safe work environment and according to principles that respect human rights, regarding work ethic and fight against corruption.